Movies Detail of Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
✓ Title : Eight Legged Freaks
✓ Release Date : July 17th, 2002
✓ Genres : Action, Comedy, Horror, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 99 minutes
✓ Directors : Ellory Elkayem, Lars P. Winther, Robin Anderson, Paul Bernard
✓ Writers : Ellory Elkayem, Ellory Elkayem, Jesse Alexander, Randy Kornfield
✓ Companies : Centropolis Entertainment, Village Roadshow Pictures, NPV Entertainment, Electric Entertainment, Warner Bros. Pictures
✓ Countries : Australia, United States of America
✓ Cast : Riley Smith, Matt Czuchry, Scott Terra, Terey Summers, Rick Overton, Randi Klein, Kari Wuhrer, Scarlett Johansson, David Arquette, Leon Rippy
✓ Release Date : July 17th, 2002
✓ Genres : Action, Comedy, Horror, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 99 minutes
✓ Directors : Ellory Elkayem, Lars P. Winther, Robin Anderson, Paul Bernard
✓ Writers : Ellory Elkayem, Ellory Elkayem, Jesse Alexander, Randy Kornfield
✓ Companies : Centropolis Entertainment, Village Roadshow Pictures, NPV Entertainment, Electric Entertainment, Warner Bros. Pictures
✓ Countries : Australia, United States of America
✓ Cast : Riley Smith, Matt Czuchry, Scott Terra, Terey Summers, Rick Overton, Randi Klein, Kari Wuhrer, Scarlett Johansson, David Arquette, Leon Rippy
Synopsis of Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
The residents of a rural mining town discover that an unfortunate chemical spill has caused hundreds of little spiders to mutate overnight to the size of SUVs. It's then up to mining engineer Chris McCormack and Sheriff Sam Parker to mobilize an eclectic group of townspeople, including the Sheriff's young son, Mike, her daughter, Ashley, and paranoid radio announcer Harlan, into battle against the bloodthirsty eight-legged beasts.

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Well, Eight Legged Freaks (2002) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Eight Legged Freaks (2002) itselft directed by Ellory Elkayem, Lars P. Winther, Robin Anderson, Paul Bernard and Starring by Riley Smith, Matt Czuchry, Scott Terra, Terey Summers, Rick Overton, Randi Klein, Kari Wuhrer, Scarlett Johansson, David Arquette, Leon Rippy which made Eight Legged Freaks (2002) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

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